Stad Gent

Denk aan uw buren

Cigarette dents and night noise have long been a nuisance problem in Ghent. In order to counter this, the city of Ghent asked us to make an online video for this purpose.

Our approach

To visualize this, we’ve put a famous Belgian actrice (Liesa Naert) and some friends in the middle of one of these problem situations. Slightly tipsy and lurking at several cigarettes, she is searching a slogan against all that she is doing wrong at the moment. But with slogans like ‘Lower your voice, don’t make so much noise’ the brainstorm isn’t going as planned. The message is simple. Don’t overthink it, just behave yourself at your favorite bar.

(By doing so we immediately addressed the problem and brought it in a playful, humorous way.)


Director: Hans Buyse
Agency: Leitmotiv

Webpage client:


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