Hello Robot


Robots are omnipresent. They work in our factories, track our online activities and almost never depart from our side. Design Museum Ghent asked us to create a TV commercial and radio spot for their new exposition, Hello Robot, where they investigate the relationship between human and robot.

Our approach

A mother who sings and rocks her child to sleep is something very personal that we would not immediately entrust to a robot. We used the work by P. Schmitt & Stephen Bogner ‘Raising Robotics Nativess’ to reveal how robots slowly sneak into our lives, all of this accompagnied by a famous Dutch lullaby. In this way, we set ourselves on the verge of a task we find acceptable for a robot to perform.

Is this a bridge to far? Or will this really be the case in the future?

Listen to the radio spot:

Agency: Leitmotiv
Director: Hans Buyse
Webpage: www.designmuseumgent.be



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